Google Adwords Ecommerce Case Study

Online Jewellery Store Marketing and Advertising Campaign Case Study
Online Jewellery Advertising Campaign with 381% ROI


Add-A-Pearl has been in business for 100 years but they needed help staking their claim in social and search so they came to Stir. Our specialization in Jewellery marketing and advertising enabled us to provide social media + content marketing and PPC services to help them grow and significantly increase online sales. Over the past 6 months we’ve established an average $381% Google Adwords Advertising Return On Investment with some months at over 800% ROI.
Contact us today to get a free consultation and estimate to grow your Jewellery or luxury retail business with Google search marketing and advertising.


Client: Add A Pearl


Social Media Contest Details



Add-A-Pearl used a Facebook Timeline Sweepstakes to reach out to new customers and re-engage with their existing fan base. The sweepstakes started with a great prize package – a beautiful pearl starter necklace, a pair of pearl earrings and a silver heart-shaped keepsake box, all from Add-A-Pearl’s own line of jewelry.

Customers were thrilled with the prize and quickly began to share the contest with friends and family. In addition to the great numbers on Facebook, the sweepstakes lead to some fantastic feedback from customers which Add-A-Pearl can use in future marketing efforts.

The Results:

People Reached: 16 244
Facebook Likes, Shares and Comments: 866